Self Help Resources

These resources are developed by LETSS peer workers to give you valuable tools for personal growth and support. Our peer workers have overcome similar challenges, drawing on their own experiences to provide guidance and strategies to assist others.

Gratitude List
Sometimes it can be helpful to think about all of the things that we are grateful for in life, no matter how big or small! We might be grateful to pat our dog, drink a tea, or have a nice conversation with someone. List all of those things that you are grateful for.
Click here to download a copy

Positive Data Log
A positive data log can help you to rebalance your thinking. Write down all the things that are positive in your life at the moment. When you are thinking negatively or unhelpfully, it can be helpful to read through your positive data log to help to balance your thoughts.
Click here to download a copy

Self Compassion Journal
Try keeping a daily self-compassion journal for one week (or longer if you like.) In your journal, write down anything that you felt bad about, anything you judged yourself for, or any difficult experience that caused you pain. (For instance, perhaps you got angry at car that pulled in front of you or perhaps you were short with your friend.) For each event, use mindfulness, a sense of common humanity, and kindness to process the event in a more self-compassionate way.
Click here to download a copy

Warning Signs and Triggers
It’s important to notice when life starts becoming more stressful or you start to have trouble coping. A good way to do this is to notice what warning signs you can see at the time and begin to implement strategies to get you back on track.
Click here to download a copy

Wellness Toolbox
A wellness toolbox contains all of those things that help keep you well. You may decide to get a physical box and place things inside such as your favourite movie, pictures of you and your loved ones, helpful phone numbers.
Click here to download a copy you can print

Things I Can Do For Myself 
A helpful place to list all the things you can do for yourself to help you feel well.
Click here to download a copy

Sensory Modulation
Calming sensations may be helpful when we are feeling anxious, overwhelmed and stressed, whereas alerting sensations may be helpful when we are feeling depressed, lethargic and unmotivated. The following worksheet has examples which are categorized as calming or alerting to help you brainstorm what strategies may be helpful for you.
Click here to download a copy

DBT Pro’s and Cons
During a crisis, it can be difficult to tolerate distress, not act impulsively, and make rational choices. Making pros and cons list can help us become more aware of our emotions and impulses, and can help us make choices with positive long-term outcomes.
Click here to download a copy

Wise Mind Worksheet
In DBT there are three states of the mind: the reasonable mind, the emotional mind, and the wise mind. You possess all of these: but which do you tend towards in different situations? Awareness of our tendencies and mindfulness practices can help us understand our own mind and can help us make balanced decisions
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Sleep Hygiene
Tips and guidelines for good “sleep hygiene”
Click here to download a copy


Finding Meaning in Challenging Situations 
Challenging situations can be, well just that, challenging – but they can also bring new meaning and value to our lives. That’s not to say that in encountering a tough situation you have to immediately search for this meaning. Not at all. But if you feel you are in a space where you’re wanting to explore a new perspective on a challenging situation, have a look at the worksheet below. 
Click here to download a copy

Stress Kit 
Life can often be stressful – there’s not too much we can do to avoid that. What we can do is be prepared when these stressful periods inevitably come. It’s handy to have a ‘stress kit’ ready to go. Have a look at the worksheet below to see what this might include. 
Click here to download a copy


Journal prompts
Most of us have probably heard about the benefits of journaling for our mental health. While sometimes it may feel easy to put pen to paper and find the right words, at other points it’s not so straightforward. Particularly when there’s a lot happening, it can be really difficult to find the motivation, or know where or how to start. We absolutely understand that journaling is not everyone’s cup of tea, but if it’s something that you’re wanting try (or if you’re just looking for some new inspiration) read ahead… We’ve got some journal prompts for you!

Click here to download a copy

My Support Network 
This useful list can identify who to contact when you are not travelling so well can make seeking help easier. Here you can list personal contacts and other support services.
Click here to download a copy

Challenging Anxious Thoughts
When we are experiencing distressing thoughts, it can cause us to feel anxious. However, just because we are feeling anxious and experiencing a distressing thought, it does not always mean that it reflects the reality of the situation and it does not always mean the thought is true. That is why it can be helpful to reflect and find evidence for against and for the thought to gain a more balanced and realistic perspective.
Click here to download a copy

Relationship Building 
Sometimes, in our relationships whether it be a family member, friend, or partner, we get so caught up in our own lives and problems that we forget to appreciate those close to us! That is why sometimes it can be great to take a few minutes to learn more about the ones you love and remind yourself of some of the reasons why you appreciate and love them! 
Click here to download a copy

Wellbeing Plan
Wellbeing Plan.
Click here to download a copy

Focus of Control 
It can be overwhelming when there is a lot going on in the world. During these times it can be challenging to focus on what we can control in our day to day lives. Writing down what is in and out of our control can help create a clear divide in what we can influence.
Click here to download a copy

Self-care Calendar
Fill in this blank calendar with self-care ideas. You deserve to look after yourself every month.
Click here to download a copy

Life After Isolation
Reintegrating back into society after COVID-19 may prove to be challenging for some. This worksheet provides prompts and questions to assist in lessening the anxiety surrounding returning to “normal”.
Click here to download a copy

Positive Sleep Routines
we asked our peer workers about how they get their best sleep. This is what they said:
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Loving Kindness Meditation
Loving Kindness Meditation (LKM) is a mindfulness-based meditation that helps us cultivate compassion, kindness, acceptance and love, for ourselves and all others.
Click here to download a copy

Value Cards
Values are things that are important and meaningful to you in life. Its important not to think about what you ‘should’ value, but to think about what is truly important to YOU in life! A great way to do this, is by using value cards!  
Click here to download a copy

Dual awareness 
Dual awareness is the proces of being able to pay attention to multiple experiences simultaneously. It can be used as a tool to cope with flashbacks of traumatic events. This skill can initially be practiced and developed while thinking of mildly distressing events. 
Click here to download a copy

Supports and resources for CALD Communities
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Structured Problem Solving
Problem solving is different to worrying or ruminating. When we worry or ruminate, we aren’t coming up with solutions or a plan for action, this can feel like shifting from one thought to the next without fully processing our worries. On the other hand, problem solving is when we spend some time thinking about things we can do to solve or help a specific problem. Structured Problem Solving is all about focusing on what’s in our control and what we can do to make things better. 

Click here to download a copy

Thought Challenging Worksheet
Click here to download a copy

H.A.L.T.S.S. Worksheet
The  H.A.L.T.S.S (hungry, angry, lonely, tired, stressed, sick) acronym can be used as a way to check in and manage self care by looking into different areas that can affect how we feel. Try using this  worksheet  to check in with how you  are feeling and maybe write down what you can do to meet your needs in these areas, or what you notice when you are feeling a particular way.
Click here to download a copy

The Mindfulness Moment Series

Take a moment and unwind with The Mindfulness Moment Series. A series of guided audios to help you relax

Creating a Mindful Moment – Making a cup of tea (1.5 Mins)

Creating a mindful moment with your breathing

Grounding Technique

How to create a Mindful Moment
Leaves on a Stream Part 1
Leaves on a Stream Part 2
Leaves on a Stream Part 3
Loving Kindness Meditation Part 1
Loving Kindness Meditation Part 2
Loving Kindness Meditation Part 3